Indemnification allocation to the beneficiary

Yes. In accordance with the Agreement for Sale as prescribed in Form-G, if the Promoter fails to abide by the time schedule for completing the project and handing over the [Apartment/Plot] to the Allottee, the Promoter agrees to pay to the Allottee, who does not intend to withdraw from the project, interest as specified in the Rules, on all the amounts paid by the Allottee, for every month of delay, till the handing over of the possession.

Agreement for Sale and Promoter and allottee binding

The format of Agreement for sale to be entered into between the promoter and the allottee has been prescribed as Form-G under the Rules. This Agreement is binding on the parties. Internal flexibility as per contractual understanding could be provided in the said Agreement for sale, for determination/ insertion of other provisions as decided between the parties.
However, such provisions should not be in derogation of or inconsistent with the terms & conditions of the format of the Agreement or the provisions of the Act and rules/ regulations made thereunder.

Undertaking Amount

No. Section 13(1) of the Act prohibits the promoter from taking more than 10% of the cost of apartment without entering into a written agreement for sale, duly registered.

Promoter Liability

As per section 14(2) the promoter shall be liable for 5 years from the date of handing over of possession to the allottee towards structural defect or any other defect as specified therein.


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